Recruitmentis in our DNA
Recruitmentis in our DNA

is in our DNA

How can we help
We are Kestria, the world’s largest executive search alliance.
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The ideal match for 
all your executive search needs

As a boutique executive search firm based in Romania, reimaginum delivers a personalized approach tailored to meet your specific requirements. As part of the world's largest executive search alliance, we broaden our scope to help you secure the finest talent globally.

About us


Executive Search

Leverage our extensive network to find visionary leaders who can drive your organization's strategic success.

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IT Recruitment

Connect with top IT professionals skilled in the latest technologies to push your projects forward.

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Gain expert insights and tailored strategies to enhance your recruitment processes and workforce planning.

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Looking to grow your business internationally? Elevate your executive search with our global capabilities. 

As an exclusive member of the world's largest executive search alliance in terms of global reach, we can help you cover all your needs in international talent acquisition.


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