The 21st-century workforce is undergoing a fundamental and fast-paced change. Just think: several years ago, who could have predicted that almost half of global companies would be using smartphones for enterprise purposes by 2022? What will the future of work look like in 2025/2030? In this article, we’ve developed a new way to show the importance of different skills based on the data collected from hundreds of professionals.

1. The ability to learn, unlearn and relearn

The best way to get unstuck is to “learn, unlearn and relearn”, as Alvin Toffler once said.

Most people only know how to learn — but learning, by itself, is not enough. You also have to unlearn what isn’t working and relearn something better (that is, if you realize it…).

Unlearning is hard because it requires us to let go of the past (and we love it, don’t we?). It’s painful and scary; it feels like failure because we’re giving up on our old ways of doing things. But this kind of failure is necessary if you want to move forward; it’s a necessary step before we can try something new.

Relearning is where most people get stuck because they don’t know how to do it effectively. They try something new but they don’t stick with it long enough or they don’t take action consistently enough or they’re not clear on their goals so they don’t know what success looks like when they get there — all of which makes it harder for them to build momentum towards their goal and make progress day after day after day until eventually reaching their ideal outcome in life.

2. The ability to keep pace with technology

Technology has completely revolutionized how we work and live, and it’s only going to accelerate from here.

If you can’t keep up with the latest trends in technology, then you’re going to fall behind very quickly. You need to be able to learn new things quickly and adapt your skills and knowledge to meet the demands of the current marketplace.

If you want a job that will last for more than a few years, you need to be able to adapt to the times.

3. The ability to collaborate

In today’s workplace, collaboration is key. It allows you to work more effectively and create better products or services. And it’s also a skill that can pay off in the long term: many studies show that people who are good at working with others earn more money and get promoted faster than their more solitary counterparts.

But when you’re stuck on a project and feel like you’re spinning your wheels, collaboration can seem like an impossible goal. You’ve already tried talking to your colleagues online and in person but nothing has changed. So what’s next?

Here are three collaborative skills that will help you get unstuck:

  1. The ability to collaborate with someone who has different ideas than yours (make sure you don’t start a war though…).
  2. The ability to collaborate with someone who is less experienced than you are (sharing is … making you better, right?).
  3. The ability to collaborate with someone who doesn’t share your values or beliefs but still respects them.


While we don’t claim to know exactly what the future holds, it’s pretty sure that a lot of jobs are likely to be eliminated or fundamentally changed by technology in the coming years. So, do you have what it takes? Learn. Unlearn. Relearn again. This is the most important skill you can possess going forward because, in a volatile and uncertain world, the ability to adapt will be key to your success and your capacity to get ahead. Imagine a future where a good job is not the exception but rather the rule.

Give us a sign if you think alike, and thanks for reading.